Our Specialist Engineering

We provide wide range of specialist engineering:

  • Highway and Road
  • Bridges
  • Water Supply and Treatment Plant
  • Drainage and Hydrological Assessment
  • Water and Solid Waste Engineering
  • Low and High-Rise Building and Superstructures
  • Residential, School, Clinic, Commercial and Industrial Development and Complex
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Environmental Engineering including ESCP and Landscaping
  • Safety and Health, Site Assessment, and Inspection
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Existing Structure Appraisal Report

Contact Us

Headquarters: Lot No. 9, DBKK No. 2-9, 2nd Floor, Latitude 6, Jalan Lintas, 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Labuan Branch: Suite 2, 2nd Floor, Lot 9 (U0052), Jalan Bunga Mawar, 87000, FT Labuan.

Phone: + 6 088-498 838   Fax: + 6 088-498 837
E-mail: pbsksb@gmail.com